...Anymore. As I prepared Christmas meal for my now shrunken family of three, I began to peel the skin off an onion. As I did, I realized for the first time that I hadn't cried peeling, nor chopping an onion in over a year now. I paused and stared at the now mostly peeled onion in my left hand, "Huh." I sighed. Then stated outloud, "Onions don't make me cry ...anymore.". I pondered the statement for a moment. I again repeated the thought outloud to myself. "Hmph." Had I been so pushed, that I disregarded the reaction an onion had ALWAYS had on me? Then, I reckoned deeper. I thought back to my first thoughts laying in bed this Christmas morning. As I reflected to earlier this morning laying there in bed, now alone. I then reflected further back to my husband's and my conversation a year ago. The two of us laying there in bed, staring at the ceiling. As the new consciousness of his inevitable death was on our minds and in our co...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.