Well actually I could've fit right in with the Viking side. My now deceased husband every once in a while used to call me "Cavewoman". Affectionately, of course. I'm a barebones, do-it-yourself kind of gal. As our air-conditioner began to go on the fritz for a second time during this drought driven hot humid summer yesterday. I worried for one of our older in home bunnies. Lop-eared house bunnies can handle the cold okay, yet not so much the heat. So we've been advised over the years. Our indoor semi-wild bunny mix would be okay to a point. Our Guinea Pig would be just fine with the heat. With Guinea Pigs it's the cold we would be concerned with. Too, I slightly considered paperwork our youngest may have to do in perhaps possibly hottest room in the house. Then I sighed with relief that she had two practices and one 90 minute meeting outside our home for the day. Her day would be filled with three activities. Her older sister working an opening and a closi...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.