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Showing posts from August, 2024

She's Not Exactly Betty White

She? Yes, she is not exactly Betty White. Nibbles is cute and funny, though. She's one of our two bunnies now nearing 100 years old. She at times appears to need a wheeled walker absolutely, with tennis balls. But instead, I've now spotted her, little rugs covering our living room to dining room floors. Not too many of them, for she would think she was close to a litter box and then there'd be a big mess.  Right now, I'm working mostly remotely. This allows for me to check on her four times a day. Too, I've made my office temporarily in our dining room.  And thank God for all that. Because I have to make certain her right leg that can no longer function as part of her hopping mechanics to get around, does not get hung up on the side of the litter box. I have to clean her hay excursions, she cannot always control her hay poops, never mind her bladder. That's where my excessive laundry loads have headed. No big deal. I barely use the dryer. I have a drying rack a...

Progress In Parenting

  Progress in Parenting Its odd that I should be writing about this. It’s not how I had ever envisioned my life, now or ever.   As I awoke this morning   hearing the rain slowly dissipate for a few minutes I prayed in thanking God I once again arrived awake for another day.   Its just a habit I have. I told a man recently, who didn’t know as much about me as I’d thought he’d had. How I was supposed to be dead a number of times and somehow I’d survived. We sat on my back deck and chatted that evening. Over two decades ago, my then running coach Tom Fleming said to me one day in his running store, “Jody, you have more lives than a cat.” The stunned look on his face said it all.   I then wondered, ‘Really? Did I?’ He saw my expression and continued, “Yeah.” And then shook his head. You never know how people view you from the outside. My husband used to tell me that I astonished him with all that I did. I wasn’t impressed with myself. That was because I thou...

There Are No Excuses...

There are no excuses... For your ignorance and jealousy. We don't need to teach you what you will not reckon with. For our efforts would be futile. I know what it's like to be slandered. I do know what it's like to work tirelessly at work, parenting, chores and athletics. And have abilities taken away by a criminal, bad medicine and the like. I know what it's like to be shunned, teased, unwanted, unparented. I get it. At the same time, when I witness someone excelling, more than likely I will be happy for them. I can barely understand it any other way. How could we not all wish each other health, wealth and incredible progression in our living, and our dreams? My husband used to say, "You're a product of your environment."  I used to not like that saying. It was because I didn't understand it. For I knew I was not like either of my parents. I was not a drunk, a liar, a drug addict, and so forth. I wouldn't abandon my family, my children, or our pet...