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Showing posts from February, 2024

From "At The Breakfast Table", Foreign Tales at Home

  As we were raising our daughters unwittingly yet willingly, we raised them teaching them diversity. My husband told me to never call him a liberal. So, instead I said, “You were a feminist before I was.” He didn’t seem to mind that. You see the word liberal to my husband who was born in 1956 meant someone who was not dedicated to democracy. Kind of like when my dad would call someone a ‘pinko-liberal-commy’. I didn’t buy into that. And today my husband would be considered a liberal, but its not a bad thing. And as luck would have it, this former US Marine, their mother—one of our daughters recently called me, a “Femi-Nazi”. I would have laughed if I didn’t think she was so serious and needed some corralling on her accusation. I gently caressed her verbiage that day. It’s not that her mother mostly considered ‘The Bad Cop’ of her two parents had gone soft. Its that now I had to play the roll of her deceased father and being mom too. So, our daughters now get a two-fer in one p...

The Shadow of our Tree

As the snow fell, sadness of a snowless winter dissipated. A snowless winter for some creates loneliness. Aloneness carved inside-out. There is quiet and sometimes peace along with that. The snow falling is the light through the dark. It lays beyond our dreams. Its imaginary blessings some relate to childhood. The blessings most adults appeared to have gone unnoticed. You see snow, loses its dreaminess after a certain age with some. Metaphorically, snow is seen to many as losing traction. Literally, the beauty of snow’s slickness slows everything down. It makes us step back, reckoning the things we cannot control. Ungrateful adults view snowfall as a dilemma. The unloved, reasoning their unloved-ness view it as a blessing. Everything pauses, that’s the blessing. The earth appears untouched in many places. If only for a few hours.   Then noises begin to creep back into the fray of life. The ungrateful become a bit grateful. And the unloved breath in their acknowledgment that n...

"Forgiveness is Good..."

  "...You got to do this sometimes..." --- A Sportscaster stated in the documentary, "Four Falls of Buffalo", after Buffalo Bills lost their first SuperBowl, when Scott Norwood missed a 46 yard field goal. And the Bills lost by one point. I remember that game. The Bills arrived home, and a crowd of Buffalo residents gathered rather randomly. Some people kept their kids out of school. They held up signs and in celebration and gratefulness the crowd began to chant for Scott Norwood. They let him know that he was forgiven, still their hero and loved. Many times in life, people hold onto so many disappointments they pollute others around them. I always had hope for others. It was because I saw where hope was held for them. Yes, these adults when I was a child had lost hope. They stood in the insanity of mind-altering substances. Which were first not present. However, forgetting that they were role-models, they refused to stop the blaming of others and self-loathing w...

It's About Chemistry

  It's About Chemistry This morning as I stare down at a math problem concerning logic. I asked myself, 'Is the study of finding the existence of a black hole logic, intuitive or both?' Yes, I'm now stuck on pondering such thoughts. Which brought me back to near twenty-four years ago as I was back in college, again. Those of you who thought they knew me, probably had no clue that I'd gone back to college at age thirty-eight. Although working full-time with running my business. Too, continuing to race and run over 100 miles a week during those years, just before my husband and I had become parents. I was back in college switching from accounting to a degree in biology. It was a slow process, but one to gain more knowledge, applying to my therapy practice and get a degree towards nursing. At the same time, a hand surgeon had invited me to speak at Westchester Medical Center to eleven medical doctors. I sat through one of their classes that day, then I began my thre...

Who's To Say...

Who's to say that one species is smarter than another? I thought about this today. As well, it's something I think about quite often. And in saying species, I'll include all humans currently alive on our planet. As humans, we have tests created mostly by scientists. However, there are other tests which either have yet to be created. Or are not public or are unknown to us fully. When our youngest remarked last month to me that Guinea Pigs were smarter than Bunnies. I thought since she is nature and science driven, she might be correct. However, I too, am science and nature driven. I know that there is a vast unknown in practically all of science no matter the vein of science that may exist. Too, ask any good brain surgeon how much we know about human physiology and its functions, and they will say '...about 10 to 15 percent.' Yep. 10 to 15 percent is what we know about human physiology.  Reflecting today about how our oldest bunny, knew how to care for her illness...

Birth is a Lottery

  Yes, this is about Taylor Swift and Love. I’ve had this discussion in depth nearly twenty years ago with a client. We were discussing being grateful for landing where we had in the years we were born.  As to now, after that conversation, my attitude still holds. You gotta kind of be happy for other people in some way, no matter where you came from. It’s like good sportsman-like conduct. You lose, you shake hands, hug, whatever. That is how I’ve handled it 99% of the time, win or lose. I remember one time, one moment in my life I didn’t do that. And I still stand by my not doing so that evening after a competition. Otherwise, every other competitor deserved my congrats.  My fight coach said that I was unusual (2013) because after losing a fight, I act as though I’ve won. To me, it was that I was just so happy to be able to compete. I’ve lost more than I’ve won. I’ll say that again. I’ve lost more than I’ve won. In softball, when I was aged nine (1971), we lost all our ga...

Compassionate Delivery of a Death Sentence

It's called 'Window Dressing'. Yes, that is what the medical field has done. I'm bringing up the hippocratic oath taken by doctors. And the constant statement "Do no harm" which had been taught whether in allopathic or alternative medical fields. And when they say, "Do no harm." That's not just in a physical manner. That also includes proper delivery of diagnosis. Addressing the needs of the patient unaware of medical practices, appropriately. It includes the psychology of the patient. It includes not giving unwanted personal opinions by phlebotomists, nurses and others in the medical community involved in a patient's healthcare. Before the pandemic shutdown, my husband saw our internist for a physical. My husband was good with going to the doctor, the eye doctor and the dentist for checkups.  My husband who followed medical regulations of the allopathic medical field, had a colonoscopy at that point just six years prior. Clean as a whistle...