I really don't like people; but strangers are cool. I've had this experience multiple times in my life. Meeting and talking to strangers, mostly a truly great experience. Both our daughters have made fun of me striking conversations with cashiers and people waiting in line. It's one thing at times I take some sort of comfort in doing. As I still ailed from spinal trauma causing leg trauma. In May 1995 I decided to run a ten mile race in Philadelphia. I knew my right leg would spasm; yet, I decided 'maybe it will change'. It'd been two years postoperative spinal fusion with hip graphing at that point, was still being felt. I kept encouraging my body to get 'the show on the road'. Yes, I was waiting for a miracle. Pain I can deal with, it's the malfunction of the leg that I couldn't or rather I refused to adjust to. For pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. Too, sometimes we can learn to 'suffer well'. I'd had pain most of my...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.