Eighteen minutes later the two detectives arrive at Two Convent Road, in Morristown. After they park, they begin walking as they head towards the College campus. They are then greeted by Sister Angelica Marie de Alencar. “Hello. You two gentlemen must be here for Sister Elizabeth Mary.” Sister Angelica Mary says smiling. “Ma’am. Thank you. Yes, we are. I was the one who called and made the appointment. I’m Detective Krueger and this is Detective Bianchi, Jr, Ma’am.” Detective Krueger responds in kind. “Okay. Then follow me. Sister Elizabeth Mary is awaiting your arrival.” Sister Angelica Mary comments with a gentle grin. The two detectives follow the nun, as they pass four doors on their right and three on their left. There is a light odor of incense in the air. Soon, the three of them arrive to a small office where Sis...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.