In 2009, 4 days before Halloween both children were ages 5 and 7. My then 7 year old thought it was funny to run ahead of me, when I'd told her a multitude of times not to go more than 3 driveways away from me on the sidewalk. Nor turn a corner without my seeing her. At the time, a predator that I'd testified against many years before had been released early, yet he was found dead 7 months just prior to this on the day we predicted he'd come after me and finish the job. My husband weeks later revealed that he would forever remain amber, where I'd revealed, that I would remain on red for the rest of my life. So on this bright warm 70 degree sunny Wednesday before Halloween 2009, myself and our 5 and 7 year old were walking back from school a few blocks to our minivan. My 7 year old began to run. I warned her, "Three driveways is all. No more." She looked at me and smiled. She ran off. I called to her. She stopped a second looked back, grinned and she forged ...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.