Age has nothing to do with it… 2/25/2023 As my usual after chores, I bicker with myself. “I don’t feel like running today. Just stop that. That’s crazy talk. Okay reset mind.” “Do I do chores then read, write, and edit for four hours then run?” Making tea and doing pet care. “Or do I do only pet chores, stretch and then run? Or do I do chores, read, stretch then run?” Putting the dishes away. “How about not stretching? No that’s dumb. Okay start over.” Emptying the trash. “Run after chores, read a little bit, stretch and get outside run at least five miles and try to do seven; but you know you wanted to run ten miles.” I stretched then got outside, “Well, we will see.” Hits stopwatch. “I better test the hill. I’ll know by then”. I’d been avoiding our big hill for days now. “Snowing is good. Maybe that’s what I needed. I really should do ten.” Up to Glen then over down Vreeland; then to Erie; then Ridge road. Pass the elementary school by Clinton. “Yeah. Com’on don’t...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.