"... From the run on Saturday, September 1 st 2007....I come down into a valley. The sun begins to rise. It is now close to six o’clock as I approach the flattest section of the valley. Looking right to the east, there is a calm lake with a mountain silhouetted by the sunrise. There is swan on the moonlit side, floating on the water. I’m aghast. I stop my watch, standing still, I look around at both sides. Seeing the mirror images of the sun to the moon, with some exceptions, they hang in the sky at the same level. And my thoughts adrift, as I want to stand for just a little bit longer in the view. I wonder, ‘ if the moon is still available or has she gone, never to be seen again in quite the same way. I look to my left as I continue my run, and in the west is a mirror image of the east with one exception, the sky. It’s as though the sky ...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.