Comes to mind "On the Run",
What is it inside me that pursues to right
the wrong, to save, to love, to rescue, to comfort, to give hope, to hold
together for others. Is this from my
Soul, my Creator? Or is this ego driven? I quite often feel mighty sure, and on track
when I pursue a good idea or peace. When I pursue justice, there are so many
feelings, and questions. I become overly
scrutinizing even, and especially with myself in the pursuit of trying to right
a wrong. There are times I despise
myself for caring so much, because, it is tiring and tumultuous. Yet I feel it would be dishonorable to not
pursue justice when wronged or when others are wronged.
Tom’s friend:
As the trial approached in early 1993 for
the case of my abduction, sexual assault, and a host of other charges filed
against my attacker, concerning the crime committed against me of August 1st1991.
Tom Fleming, my long distance and
marathoning coach for the better part of nearly twelve years (December
1988-December 2000); brought in his friend Rich. Rich, a lawyer I’d met before, now entered
Tom’s running store, Rich was wearing a three piece suit. Tom was speaking with me in his back office.
Tom said, “Rich wants to talk to you.”
I replied, “Uh, Okay.”
Rich began the process of telling me that
it was not a good idea to pursue testifying in the trial. It would hurt me. And that the guy would most likely be
acquitted of all charges. Rich said,
“You probably won’t win.”
I replied, “Hey, I have faith that I
will. I’m ninety-two percent sure I will
Rich stated, “You may have faith. I believe
you, and all that happened. But these
cases don’t usually fall in favor of the victim. You’re making a mistake if you go through
with this.” He nodded.
I responded, “I have to do this. It’s the right thing to do.”
Rich turned and looked at Tom and shook his
head. There was no talking me out of
doing the right thing. As much as my
body pained me, as I sat there in the metal corset that the spine and
orthopedic surgeons had me wearing just prior to the surgery that I was to
have; which was after I testified in the next few weeks.
I knew, as scared as I was, that I had to
do this. And that was testifying just
prior to having spinal surgery, which was the result of the spinal damage that
my attacker had inflicted upon me, that changed my life physically,
financially, and on nearly every level of living. Yet, no one understood this, I was alone.
Quite often I reflect as I run, I know I
will not save the world. But I believe
it is important to hold onto human decency.
It is everybody’s duty to try and right the wrong. It is everybody’s duty to speak up when they
know of something that is unjust. However, in our society, most don’t want to
get involved. And that has been from the
beginning of time. It is at the very
least, human. And sometimes it may be
for self-preservation.
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