"One" Why is one the loneliest numbe r? Or is it. No and Yes are the saddest experiences you’ll ever know. Sounds like an old song. The general premise of the song by “Three Dog Night”, was about loneliness. The song hummed through my head, after popping in an old CD bought years before into our car’s player. “One” was the first song to play. I remember when it became a hit. I was still a kid in 1969. There was something cool about it. I was uncertain what it was back then. Over a year later in 1971, “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog…” (a.k.a “Joy to the World”) was released on a single. It is a philosophical song about happiness that God desires for all of us. A few of the neighborhood kids liked it, and so did my older brother and I. As The Vietnam War raged on; there was uncertainty to if the war would ever end. And we wondered, as our young neighbor Eve Anderson wondered, “Why aren’t we having world peace?” On the eve of the new year 1972 about to arrive. Eve was ove...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.