It’s Our Fault
As I write this blog upon receiving a text from a friend
that all my state’s hospitals are overloaded. I think to an afternoon about a decade
ago. My youngest at the time was in first grade. She came home and revealed to
me what was being taught in her first-grade health class that day. It was
wrong. I’ll start with that.
Yes, what was being taught, how it was taught that day in my
first grader’s classroom for health was wrong. Off the mark. And she knew it.
As a matter of fact, she respectfully called the teacher out on it. She raised
her hand as the teacher said, “…There are good drugs.” He called on her. She replied, “Mr. DeCarlo.
No there aren’t good drugs. Drugs are not good.” He rebutted gently, “Yes there
are.” Up went her hand again. He called on her again. She responded, “Mr.
DeCarlo, how about the side effects. Ohhh like, headaches, nausea, stroke,
muscle aches, restlessness. And how about sudden death?”
So, flash-forward to hours later. We were sitting at the
dining room table, and she repeated all this aforementioned to me. I commented,
“So, Mr. DeCarlo was talking about prescription drugs and Over-the-counter
drugs, I take it. She replied, “Yes. He said they were good drugs. They’re not.”
And then she rattled off why. What she already understood at such a young age
was that her parents referred to health as a responsibility of each individual.
That our choices to remedy something that did NOT usually need a form of an
allopathic drug first.
What she had already experienced was acupuncture, teas if a
feeling of any illness was suspected, homeopathic remedies, proper daily
exercise, proper daily eating and so forth. Oh, it wasn’t that she’d never had
a medical emergency. She saw how I reacted with her, when I knew not to wait.
Not to medicate, yet take her or her sister to our allopathic doctor or to the
ER if needed. She knew there was a time
and a place for allopathic medicines. As well that they might not go without
some type of bodily reaction that could endanger her welfare. Before the age of
seven she was paying attention in detail to this.
She’d see me be injured from my sport, and my regular job
which was physical in nature. I wouldn’t run to my allopathic doctor. I would
deal with the pain and work with it. Yet maintain my workload. I would still
work, train where I could, clean the house, and make meals regularly.
Ninety-nine percent of the time it was business as usual. What the point is
here. In the area of the United States I live; we are probably one of the best
educated. Most educated in my county, probably.
Yet, we certainly don’t act like it.
Yes, we do NOT act intelligently. Right now, I will lose
some of you. For those of you who remain, I will tell you what the general
population has done wrong. After people
who received vaccination(s), many decided to let it all hang lose and not wear
a mask in crowded places. Most threw caution to the wind. I remained masked,
regardless. As well did my children to a large degree, in crowds, markets and
the like.
At a local fitness place here in December, not one person
was wearing a mask. Even people I knew, who were probably vaccinated, yet
extremely auto-immune compromised went mask free in this particular big gym. I
will tell you that many who did this, are well-educated people. And they have
been and are raising children. It takes nothing to put a mask on. You can walk
and lift weights with a mask on. If you can’t, you’re not that fit. So, you should
taper down your exercise till you acclimate or walk outside where you could
potentially go mask free, if it bothers you so much. Or perhaps, you should check in with your physician.
Outside exercise, has mostly been better than remaining
inside even during the winter months. I’m sure I’ll receive more rebuttal here.
I am NOT speaking in terms of fight gyms and dojos. I’m speaking of Fitness
gyms. Where the average bear on December 31st swears they’re going
to have either the dynamite body this year or lose that forty to one hundred
and fifty pounds they’ve been meaning to lose for the past decade, or two, or
three or four. Or the old jock or high schooler is just having good lifts three
days a week. That is majority of the population that entertain the general fitness
Gets better, those same people. I’ll call them the masses,
should have known to either remain masked when foodshopping, or indoors with
large groups (if they must party), especially entering the new school year.
This should be ‘old hat’ by now. People need to also understand that this is a
once in hundred-year historic time-piece. As well, be aware that in 1962 there
were 3.6 billion people in the world. Now we are either at or nearing 8 billion
people in the world. All this, that we are dealing with is Mother Nature. And
we need to know when to heed her, once in a while.
By heeding Mother Nature, you don’t stop doing most of what
you love. You take precautions. You can be a wrestler and still play the game,
being aware of the risks you take. But once you step outside the mats, the ring,
the cage and mingle in a supermarket, a big fitness gym, and the like, that is
where the other non-fighters and non-wrestlers exist. That is where the elderly,
the pregnant women, the infants and toddlers are in the mix.
As well, it behooves you to not consider surfaces and
possible spread. Pin pads, pens, pencils, counters and even at home in shared
bathrooms. Just being mindful at home. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive
home. Leave your shoes outside the door or in the foyer of your home.
The problem here, goes back to first grade. Actually, it
goes back to common sense. Ironically, I’m reading Thomas Paine’s book, “Common
Sense” currently. In first grade we don’t
appear to being taught ‘proper’ prevention. We are taught to put a bandage on
things. Many things that could be prevented. I actually had said this to my
husband, who was a teacher years ago and repeated it again to him on occasion. “Why
aren’t we teaching cutting edge healthcare and nutrition to children in school K
through middle school? We would have a healthier nation.” He commented
something about curriculum. I can say, I’ve always felt our health classes in
elementary through middle school at least in my state were poor in delivering
healthy preventative self-care, to say the least. I was thinking this as a
child. It still remains poor.
And what this all boils down to is adult role-modeling. Yes,
it’s about parenting. Doctors are in practice. Remember that. And whatever you
do as parent, your child may or may not decide to gravitate to what you intend
them to do. But this I can tell you. As
much as my oldest is quite independent. Two weeks ago, her boyfriend said, “I
have a headache. Do you have any ibuprofen?” My oldest responded, “No we don’t.” She obviously didn’t have any ibuprofen.
However, I always have some in a cabinet. I replied, “Is that all?
Symptomatically? And I know you are vaccinated. “Yes.” He replied. I responded, “How about a cup of tea?”
My oldest said, “That might work.” He replied, “Oh. Okay.”
Two nineteen year olds agreeing that a cup of tea might just help what may be a
simple headache. And figuring to wait a few minutes and see if it works. What a
novel idea. So, I brewed some tea, a little raw honey. And after some sips, his
headache was gone in minutes. Days later he said, “I never was a tea drinker.
It’s nice. I’m now looking forward to having a cup of tea.” So, for the next
couple weeks, he tried different types of tea at my home with my daughter, just
to enjoy.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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