There’s a saying that my ultrarunning coach, Dante had said was important to remember. “Constant Forward Motion”, also known as “CFM”. It’s closing in on four years since your passing. I’m uncertain if you’ve been able to take it all in Norman. So, here goes… So, after the funeral our minivan was about to hit the dirt too. Noises erupted in her that day after your funeral. Thank God you purchased your last new car just months before that. Stick shift alrighty, I knew you not only meant that for you, but for me as well. You knew the kids wouldn’t try to drive that sucker. LOL. The next day, I called our mechanic who suggested to get a used Toyota Corolla for our oldest. Randy looked it up for me. He misses you too, by the way. It was a good deal for certain. And two days after your funeral we put money down on a used Corolla, a sweet car for Sarah. I knew you’d begin to get alarmed as Sarah increased her workload for the summer to as much as fifty-five hours a week betwe...
Writer. Writing Screenplays. Writing Non-fiction and Fiction books and stories. Writer EXTRAORDINAIRE.