And the war rages on. It's about free-will. Something we are entitled to, but many disregard due to their non-thinking insecurity. As we enter another state of non-peace. Worries are eschewed by men who hold high regard for themselves.
Those that truly desire peace have little say in humanity. Protests are also mishandled nowadays by the protestors. Yes they are. No one reads, no one studies, no one ponders, they follow after reading a blurb or two, watching a video or two. Believing what they desire to be the truth. People mishandle their own intelligence. A gift they toss into the abyss, with the fake, lying, inexcusable apology of 'I didn't know...'.Many times in my life, now heading towards its seventh decade. Since I could remember, I'd ask the internal question,. 'But who are we anyway?'
Humans have dominion over land, smaller things that never speak. And when they do, we aren't listening. A doe calls out to her fawn. Few of us hear this.
We get on a train, a bus, in a car from office or some residence, and we ignore the beckoning of nature to stop.
Things that we consider a hindrance after lives are altered or lost, we don't reckon with. There were warnings that sounded the alarm. Although low in decibels, we arrogantly ignored them. For they were either a mystery or a bother. And now we smote them, wondering why they or it came into existence. It is our own doing, then our undoing. Our self-righteous religious or atheistic ignorance is to blame though. War starts small. It's smaller than a quark. And this we know, innately.
From the fear of reprimanding our child, because we allege we are supposed to be perfect once we 'adult', is untrue. Yet, we refrain from evolving. Half believing that either we can all help ourselves or that we are the chosen. News for the world, neither could be further from the truth.
When we individually, then collectively stop the knee-gerk reaction within ourselves of thinking this way. Taking pause for a clearer perspective then there might be less wars.
It's never truly us and them. The battle is within our cellular structure down the quark of how we allow ourselves to think, as well allowing others to think for themselves.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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