As each day presents new openings, new reinventing, new struggles, new ahhh haaa moments and new episodes of tragic circumstances and closures of greatness.
Today I've come to the list in my mind of things that sadden me, anger me, perhaps are hopeless in fixing:I'll open with Forner President Jimmy Carter now in Hospice at home was the third thing. The perpetual happenings of school shootings, and our lack of follow through to ensure better red flag laws to prevent loss and trauma to our newest of generations. If we are so pro-life, one would think that the safety of our already birthed children in this life would be more important than your bumpstocks, your AR15s and no one who had bought a firearm could have such in their possession until they've had a background check, along with having all firearm purchases registered with the state. The first item on my list today, which is nearly tied by the tragedy at MSU is the derailment of Norfolk Southern's chemical loaded cargo.
The CEO of Norfolk Southern, Alan Shaw, along with Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and others who allowed for the deregulation that made the E.Palestine derailment worse than it should have been, belong in jail. The properties of those two men, along with others who are lying about the air and water quality in and around E. Palestine, Ohio should be imprisoned, and their properties, which are probably far from the train derailment and burn site, should be forfeited to those people whose land and homes are now compromised. That's how you make those things fair.
The other two situations are significant but one was expected eventually, and the other tragedy cannot be fixed, yet needs attention in remedying our lack of proper regulation of firearms.
And with all this, I haven't even touched on the world's tragedies of late. Putin along with the Turkish president belong imprisoned. They've cost tens of thousands of people their lives, if not more just in the past 365 days. How do we as a humanity not fight back to right such wrongs?
A rhetorical question perhaps. But it shows a damning presence of who we are here on earth. If we can't protect our already born children, then we have no business declaring we care so much that we are prolife. Especially, when you've aborted young lives already born and attending high school as well college.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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