If we cared enough more than we complained...Quite a few people will take the time to write, explain, so forth... I have written senators, congress-people and presidents. I've had a Senator call my office many years ago. We needed a Stop sign at the end of our road. People up and down the block complained. NONE OF THEM WROTE... One, an elder woman called over and over again. One day about 19 years ago I told her. "You have to write a letter. So, I can do that. Don't call I'll deal with it. The head of NJDOT called my office after I sent eight letters to state senators. I waited. I sent duplicate reminder letters over next two years. Probably a total of 16 letters mailed. Six years later after I'd started my letter writing on this matter... We got the Stop sign put in. It was about three weeks before the elder woman passed.
So today...a much faster response here now on people's phone service issue with 5G...
What it took....It took 96 miles, two corporate letters, a formal complaint letter to the FCC, and over eleven phone calls, in about 2 weeks... People do NOT write companies or senators like I have and do. So....
Then I worked with Verizon Executive office via Four or so phone calls and four texts from them to me.
Samsung S21G (maybe even the S22)had to develop a new software to keep up with 5G Verizon. Verizon called now and advised me that Samsung just sent me the brand new update. I installed it while on the phone with Verizon. And we will give it a week. But Verizon believes this was a big part of the issue, along with 5G updates.
The issue of not getting complete conversations on phone calls started 10.5 months after I got a new phone (a first in seven years). By first week in July the situation had worsened. I drove to three different places. The first one where I purchased the phone they lied to me... "Best Buy". I had gone to the store for answers three times, too had paid monthly for their "geek" service. Their corporate headquarters received a letter from me. I went to a Samsung store twice. Then smartly Samsung sent me to a Verizon corporate store. The young man there was honest with me as Samsung was. At the end of the day I have no misgivings on Samsung nor Verizon. They handled the situation professionally and to the best of their abilities. Lesson: writing a company or government officiating organization does help if we all chip in and care enough to do what we complain about.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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