"I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is."--- Cat Stevens
I can say since I was at least eight, my heart has held a near hourly, daily, annual and perrenial ache in it. That ache nearly 54 years and counting has now turned into an ache of disgust.
This whole set of current situations... most people are misguided. Many adults are not grounded. And it shows through certain actions of today's youth. The youth have not all been taught history of many lands enough to be either anti, nor pro neither this or that of another's cultures or country's political situations, including their own. Too we adults have conveniently forgotten historical events.
"...Why must we go on hating? Why can't we live in bliss?"--- Cat Stevens
This protesting now, is Not comparative to The Vietnam War Era of protesting. Back then, during the Vietnam War Era the people of our country knew what we were protesting. And they knew how to protest. Today I am absolutely disgusted at the hatred that has encompassed our society. That is not how you get peace, nor cease-fires.
"Cause out of the edge of darkness. There rides the Peace Train." ---Yusuf/Cat Stevens
Remember. 'misery loves company'. Those who are disgruntled have brought their unease into our fray. They've invaded our universities purposely because they want to bestow upon us their misery and destroy our varied cultures and freedoms that exist in the UnitedStatesof America.
"Oh Peace Train take this country. Come take me home again." ---Yusuf/Cat Stevens
Yet the ignorance of our people and the welcomed ignorance of many adults in our country is also an issue. Our people, many are unwilling to deviate from their original indoctrination. Too, much of what is new is often put to the side of unimportant. Some of the new ideologies too are watered down or shunned. That is not progress. Nor a way to peace.
"Oh Peace Train soundin' louder. Glide on the Peace Train." ---Yusuf/Cat Stevens
During the Vietnam War Era when Mother Theresa was asked if she would march against the war. She had the perfect answer. She replied, "...when you have a march for peace. Then I will march with you for peace..."
"'Cause out on the edge of darkness. There rides a peace train."---Yusuf/Cat Stevens
There is a peace train. There are elements within all of us to bring peace. It's a matter of each one of us stopping and contemplating. There is a place inside each of us that holds that peace connected to the peace train that we all belong too.
"Yes peace train holy roller. Everyone jump on the peace train." ---Yusuf/Cat Stevens
If you took time to listen to bird songs, the rustling of leaves. The flow of water. The whispers of the wind. And in the calmness in the dead of night. There enlies the Peace Train, which has a connection to the peace train in your soul.--Jody-Lynn Reicher
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