The Anti-Packer Or The Insistent Cashier
So, the other day... I'm doing a mid-sized to light foodshopping. I've been packing food at grocery stores since I was age seven. I kind of like the chore. I did it for my mom, and now I've been doing it for my household for decades.
The reason why I enjoy packing my own food is, that I know exactly where everything is in each bag. As well, many don't always take so much care in doing so. I am also organized when I shop, placing items in a certain order in the shopping cart.
For the first time in my life the cashier, a woman of forty-something, blonde haired (dyed, pretty certain), looked like she read enough Glamour magazines, properly made up and well quaffed.
She'd Insisted on packing for the young man ahead of me. He was a good-looking, tall, fit, of about age thirty-something. I thought it was cute as she appeared to give him advice. She was a bit like a Helicopter Mom.
I thought, maybe she was lonely as she appeared to have a flirtatious air during their interaction. It was kind of cute, as he'd forgotten his reusable bags.
She finished with young man and as she had, she then demanded that she pack for me. I was taken aback. This had never occurred in all my food shopping days.
I said, "No thank you. I'll pack." She got aggravated and insisted. I gently insisted back. I wondered if there was a Seinfeld episode called the "Anti-Packer" or perhaps the "Insistent-Cashier".
During the interaction, she was clearly annoyed that I wouldn't let her pack for me. The place was busy. Yet, there was no one behind me in line.
She started to complain that when she finished working there, she's got stories. I asked her if she ever watched Seinfeld. Her response, "Of course. Everyone has watched Seinfeld." I replied, "I actually know people who haven't."
Whilst she was being annoyed, as I packed. Glad I didn't buy eggs. LOL. I humoursly remarked, "Well I'm thinking of writing a Seinfeld-ish scene called 'The Anti-Packer'." She totally didn't get it. I had to wait to get to my car with my groceries to laugh. For fear she'd throw packages of my food at me as she scanned them. LOL.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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