In 2019 my Husband stood looking at the TV. Norm said, "Stupid, stupid people. They don't know what they're in for. They don't know what they want... They will give away their healthcare."
As I awoke laying in bed this morning. Listening to the rain, I thought, 'With all the brain matter we have. With all the dominion we've been given, why are many of us still stodgy. Why can't we all see that staying stagnant is unhealthy.
That just because it worked for you before. Doesn't mean it was the best thing.
Our world needs to accept responsibility. The adults first, then the politicians will follow. Yes, you heard me. WE the people need to decide to become educated on a regular basis. WE the people need to READ from a variety of sources everyday.
Most of us here in the United States can read. It's just that we're too lazy to try to tackle the task. It's just like what we do with our diets and exercise or the lack there of. We beckon for someone to do it for us, when WE decide not to change. But yet, WE fear authoritarianism, communism, dictatorships, someone controlling our lives, and the like. Anything not to allow us our constituonal rights, WE fear. Which now WE have allowed the deterioration of women's rights before our very eyes. Because why?
Because WE were lazy. WE were stiff-necked. The kids who protested in the 1960s through the 1970s for the right to not be drafted, as well to have a peaceful ending to a war. For personal expression of all genders, races and religions. For women to have the right to own properties, even if married. For women to own the decisions of what they can do with their bodies, regardless of what other's religions state. All that, WE are losing because most of US don't read who can.
As well, WE allow one sole MEDIA to dictate our thinking, because we are too lazy to turn the channel.
It's not all thar complicated if you READ a variety of media outlets.
WE are supposed to remain CURIOUS and LEARNED throughout our lives.
When someone now asks me why a disease happened to them. Here is my response, "How old are you?"
They tell me their age.
I respond, "So, you need to consider all those years, from the time of your birth till now. Till your diagnosis. What did you ingest? What did you not ingest, that you should have? What did you too much of? What did you not do enough of? Did you exercise outdoors regularly throughout your years? Answer these questions and you'll find out why you are in your current situation."
Recently I had two people state something I never knew about their habits. People I've known for 40 years, I had no clue. Now they were honest with me. All of a sudden the light shined in their thoughts on what they did and didn't do. Too, they admitted they always convinced themselves that there were shortcuts to health. One even giggled, realizing this as they laughed at their ludicrous thinking.
Yes, they realized if it took all those years to end up where they had, then it will take some doin' and time to undo the flaw/disease. ---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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