I tried something new in 2023. Something I'd studied and from one of my recent nutrition classes and one of my therapy instructors in October. It was the idea of a juicing cleanse. I'd never done one. So, I wanted to see how doing a three day cleanse with juicing which included aside from water, juices, herbal tea, blacl coffee, organic berries, oatmeal, organic raw honey, and a selection of nuts/seeds. I followed a recommended standard that was 'tried and true', so to speak. I normally wouldn't encourage this, but I checked with people who had medical licenses after I'd finished the cleanse. During which I was able to do all my daily work, chores, and training activities without a hitch in my stride. As a matter of fact, the pains that I'd had for years, actually decades reduced. All my issues either cleared completely or improved markedly for 10 more days after the cleanse.
So I will say this is proof that nutrition effects most conditions whether it brings on a condition of predisposition, or something from a past traumatic injury or a sudden onset of physical pain currently.
But remember, I'm someone who will go to an alternative medical practitioner before I seek allopathic opinion. I work on myself first. I take responsibility even for a birth defect or more I may have from a drug my mother was authorized to ingest whilst pregnant with me. I pray a hec of alot. I stretch daily (missed one day of stretching in near 5 years.), I meditate near every day, even if only for three minutes. I do exercise pretty much every day OUTSIDE minimum 30 minutes per day.
The discussions on nutrition I had with a variety of people since 1978. One key person who'd come over for a dinner with Norman, our daughters and myself every 10 weeks was Dr. Jim Manning, a professor of Physiology. He passed in April 2016. Nutrition was the discussion inbetween the main meal I'd serve and having homemade desserts.
He understood much. Dr. Manning I miss greatly, he made me feel sane in my thoughts when I'd say, "But what if..." My husband would get ready to roll his eyes, then I'd nearly see a light bulb go off atop my husband's head as Dr. Manning would begin... "Well, you know..."---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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