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Sometimes it takes a Prayer.

 Today 07/01/2016...

This below story started 07/01/2011, five years ago...

Sometimes, It Takes A Prayer

A sunny day in June, I was getting ready to run and I saw an acquaintance walking around the block. I hadn’t seen her

much, due to our schedules being busy. I knew something was up. I’d seen her husband outside for the first time the week before. He looked like death. They were not an old couple. Their children were in their twenties.  

I saw her and asked, “Hey. How are you doing?” She sighed uncharacteristically, for she was not someone who complained about anything the times we’d known each other and spoken. She responded, “A little stressed.” I asked, “Not that I want to ask this personal question, but how’s your husband?” She responded, “Not good. That’s why I’m stressed. He goes for another scan in a week or so. He has cancer. We moved our daughter’s wedding up by two months. This way he wouldn’t miss it.” Here it was Thursday, June 30th , the wedding was to be in October. She continued, “The wedding is in a month. We figure he’ll be around still then.”

I looked at her. I responded, “I’m so sorry. I will say a prayer for him and you, maybe the scan will be okay.” She replied, “Uh, I don’t know it hasn’t been good. He waited too long.” I responded, “Well, All I can do is pray, so I’ll pray everyday for you.” She thanked me. Off I ran.

As I ran, I prayed. As I prayed, I said outloud to God, “You know this is ridiculous God. They are such good people. Could you make it so he sees his first grandchild for the first year of it’s life before he dies? Well, I’d really rather him get into his eighties, but maybe I’m asking for too much. Well it’s up to him and You. Thanks.” Then I say the Our Father prayer. About a mile into the run, I realize who to call. I stop running pull out my phone. I think. ‘Call a Eucharistic Minister, she’ll add the guy to her prayer list today. Maybe light a candle too.’  

I get the Eucharistic Minister on the phone, “Hey, it’s Jody. I need a favor fast.” She responds, “What’s wrong?” I reply, “A man I know I just found out is supposed to be dead in less then three months. They even moved the daughter’s wedding. It’s bad. They are really nice people. Could you please pray for him today?” She asks, “What is his name?” I tell her. She then said, “Okay Jody I’ll pray for him. See you tomorrow.” We say good-bye.  

The next day, she comes into my office as planned. She said, “You know what today is?” I shake my head, “No, what is it?” She said, “It is July 1st, which is probably the best day for healing prayer for someone.” I respond, “I had no clue.” She says, “Come hold my hands. Let’s pray together.” I give her my hands. We bow our heads together in prayer.

She continues, “When two are gathered in His name... Jody this will be very powerful. I can feel it.” I actually could too. She said a prayer. Then we said a prayer together for my acquaintance’s husband. We finished. We looked at each other and said simultaneously, “Did you feel that?” I replied, “Yep. I did.” She replied, “I think it’s going to be okay. I have a good feeling. I looked at her and said, “You know. Me too.”

Today I realized more than three years had passed since that week. And as I drove to work today, who did I see? There he was picking up a garbage container top on the ground in front of his house. I’d seen him once before during this year. And then I realized I was seeing the Eucharistic Minister today. I couldn’t wait to tell her, ‘he’s alive, man!’  

As the morning passed, in came the Eucharistic Minister. I greeted her. I went to grab her hand to check how she was. Then smiling I said, “Hey, remember the man we prayed for on July 1st oh I guess about three years ago?” She responded, “Oh yes. I do.” I continued, “Well, I saw him today outside. Like normal. So it seemed. Get a load of that!” Just then she looked at me and we simultaneously received chills through our bodies at the same time. She responded, “Did you feel that?” I responded, “Yeah, the chills through the whole body. I felt that.” She replied, “I told you I had a good feeling.” 

And today, the same Eucharistic Minister walked into my office and sat on my couch as I got out from the treatment room. I smiled at her. After the other person was parting and we said our good-byes, I turned to her and said, “You know what today is?” She looked up smiling at me and wondered. I responded, “Today marks five years ago today that man you prayed for who had three months to live. Well, he’s still alive.” We got chills and I felt such joy.  

There are very few times in our lives when many of us expect miracles. Yet, in my life there’s a miracle everyday and then some... I think we just don’t look for them everyday. I do. I have to. I witness and have witnessed pain and suffering quite often. So I know how important it is to recognize goodness and miracles regularly.---Jody-Lynn Reicher 


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