How Rape Effects Your Whole Life
Today, I admitted something I’d never admitted to anyone before. However, I did to an acupuncturist, who’s a man who has known me since 1996. He told me during the treatment today that my issue appeared more of an esoteric nature, perhaps what may be described as metaphysical. He thought at first I may not agree that my issue was no longer orthopedic. I explained I was in his vein of thinking, I agreed as I stated, “No matter the therapy, a victim of Rape will not get completely past the victimization of such a crime. And at times the rage I feel inside me, I could fill three armies with. No therapy erases that.”
This brings me to the current civil case involving E.Jean Carroll. As I follow the E.Jean Carroll’s civil case against Donald J. Trump I can say I understand her trauma. The gut punch that she has felt when she has had to bring up her sexual assault. Sexual Assault by the way is a prettier name for Rape. The word Rape stares you down. It makes it truly what it is. Rape is probably one of the worst form of any crime someone could commit onto another human.
Yes, Rape scars you forever. There is no getting past it. If sex had been desired, it now is nearly obliterated. Yes, that is the truth with many victims. I’m certain. I’ve known over thirty victims of Rape. You might desire sex, maybe because of hormones. But not always is the libido that high. A victim of Rape may try to force their desire for sex to either feel normal. Or to save their relationship with their spouse. I know I came from that planet.
I am going to tell you that not testifying against your rapist may be an easier way to survive it, temporarily. E.Jean Carroll is taking the hard way, years later. Albeit in a civil case. Which hence has been brought about because now she’s quite aware of the damage done to her by alleged rapist Donald J. Trump. Too, perhaps she no longer wants him to live out his days without some reckoning for a crime he allegedly committed.
There must be a reckoning and I am cheering her on from the front line, the sidelines, and all flanks. This is a fight that we must witness E.Jean Carroll winning. It is because I believe her. It is because I know the process of such a trial. Although the trial I was involved with was a criminal trial. I understand the stress of testifying about being raped. As thirty years ago I did the brave thing and followed through reporting the crime. As well, went through the processes to get my Rapist put away. Then only having to revisit it every time it was announced in the news that he was appealing his conviction. Or was to be paroled early.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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