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What Humanity Must Face


What Humanity Must Face

'We shelter the ignorant, the racist': Adam Kinzinger's obituary of the GOP. The numbers of those considered right-wing to the far right in that group is twenty-five percent. That twenty-five percent are a form of white supremacists, fascists, basically hate-mongers. The Conservatives, some Religious groups, and the GOP have lost their way. They’re split into the deniers and haters, the hiders, and the willfully blinded.

As I am addressing this in America; it is not just occurring in the United States. It is in the current fabric of the entire world’s population. It effects every country. It is archaic thinking—tribalistic in nature. There is no progression for humanity when one group thinks that they are superior due to looks, ethnicity and the like. It is purely frontal lobe thinking. At this point in the game of life—humanity has no place for it.

Most in society do not desire to hate. Human’s souls are congruent with Love and the ideology of, Live and Let Live. However, there are some of us that are coerced into believing that in order to be happy, to live a good life, or to be a good soul—that we must consider others who appear different to be of lesser value. That’s a fallacy. It is a sin against all life on earth, in the galaxies and beyond our wildest dreams to think that someone different has lesser value than us.

I have hawkish views. But that does not mean I desire tribalism. I believe in Live and Let Live. Yet I am passionate about loving all, to the point that I will do anything I have to—to implement protecting and defending someone else’s safety and freedom. It is an oath I took decades ago. I’m bound by it, not just from that verbal commitment I took. But I am bound by my soul—the soul of love that most of us, are born inherently good. We all have that in us, some of us more than others. If you can’t find it in your soul to unmask the demon that covers your soul’s love—then you aren’t caring enough for the health of humanity—Which by the way, will negatively affect everyone you think you love and who loves you.---Jody-Lynn Reicher


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