Its about WE
Nancy Pelosi and Condoleezza Rice two high achieving women.
You know not everybody can appreciate that—but that is who they have been and
who they are. I put them in the same sentence because they didn’t strive for
the spotlight—they strived for change. Change for the better. One a Democrat
and the other a Republican. Both have been disrespected. Both have been
threatened, I know so.
I know that most people do not always use their ability to
see another point. To temporarily change a view on any topic. Most people won’t
budge on a mindset concerning religion, politics, culture, stigmas and the
like. I’m someone that reckons with my views and the ability to flex my
thoughts—be open to everything and attached to nothing.
It’s constant work to reevaluate your views to see if
perhaps you should tweak them. Change them temporarily or alter them a bit.
Why? Because at the end of the day—understanding or making room for
understanding is the answer. The answer to true, enriched, fulfilled living. To
peace—to hold the holiness of love within your vessel. That is or should be the
end game. It is the projected calm in all the storms regardless of
In a discussion with my youngest daughter this afternoon we
began with, “Mom? What is the Dow Jones really?” I explained. She, taking an AP
Macroeconomics class in her senior year understood my breaking down how one
invests. When or when not to invest in stock, bonds, treasury bonds, money
markets, IRAs. What’s conservative thinking in how one saves and protects—yet
grows the funds they’ve attained.
Then we moved onto what the difference has recently been
between a democrat and republican. What a moderate is. What a progressive is.
What is the religious right and so forth. I explained how republicans before
the Reagan era were about being fiscally conservative to run the country. Then
the religious right with help of religious leaders, their children and their
friends convinced the Republican party to have Reagan run on religion. That was
the beginning of the end of what republicans truly stood for.
Many republicans prior to the Reagan era were moderates. I
explained how George Bush Sr. was different from Reagan. Bush Sr. was a
moderate—and that Bill Clinton was as well. Yet George Bush Sr’s son George
Bush Jr. was more from the religious right in his approach and governing. I
explained why some may call some democrats who appear more progressive to be
called (an old term) ‘Bleeding Heart Liberals’. I explained to her all which
has been twisted and taken out of context for greed. Yes for misguided greed.
The democrats know we need some social programs to operate a more humane
I explained how my dad’s family back before FDR’s 2nd
term were all Republicans. His paternal grandmother swore off being a
Republican in 1933. Evidently FDR impressed her, she then voted for him in the
next election and remained a Democrat. I knew my paternal great grandmother she
lived till just before my eleventh birthday. Granted people in my family were
split over the years when it came to who to vote for. I’ve been flexible up
until the Republicans lost their way.
I could appreciate either side of thinking, so long as the
extremes would be tamped down. If we could reckon with reparations to those we
took land from—enslaved, sickened, murdered. If we could ease into having or
creating certain social programs to help the destitute—those in tighter spots
than we could or could not imagine. Whether we have had those experiences or
not. What people seem to forget—it’s about WE. That is one of the ways how a
free country survives—too, our freedom.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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