I won't lie to you. I promise. I'll show you. I'll warn you. I won't abuse you. I'll tell you the truth, diplomatically. I'll share my knowledge, when appropriate. When I sense you are ready.
I'll clean up after you, yes even when you're of age. That is to give you more time. More time than I ever had when I was growing up. It is to reduce your angst, your anxiety.I'll make you dinner and serve you every night with few exceptions. I'll go to work, as I make certain you're safe. I'll do things to ensure your safety.
When I prepare your breakfasts, and lunches for your day. I'll prepare them with all your studies and practices in mind. As well as for your adulthood. Trust me I'll study the latest known nutritional benefits.. Every night and morning, I'll be detailed on your nutrition.
I'll teach you how to stitch in time to save the nine. I'll teach you what a good public education can do for you. And I'll teach you how to respect it. I'll teach you charity and caregiving.
I'll be your motivation. I'll do more in a day than you could imagine that could be done. That is to role-model for you, to show you how much more you can do if you want to.
I'll show that to you daily so much, you'll innately pick up on the energy and have the abilities to go further in life than I ever have. You will have more freedoms than I had, if you choose to.
I'll lay the groundwork for you to understand the pitfalls of being compassionate as well as being reckless.
I'll pray over you, and for you every night before I pray for myself. I'll clean your laundry, your bedding. I'll provide clean, soft towels, things I didn't have growing up. I'll cloth you with what you need and within reason what you want.
I'll teach you how to fish, how to garden, how to sew, how to rip out a tree, how to plant a tree, how to ice skate, how to hit a hockey puck on a icy pond with a hockey stick, how to run, how to throw.
I'll teach you about the human body. I'll teach you your rights, the Constitution. I'll make certain to teach you about a higher source. I'll teach you about being grateful. To bless your bread daily.
I will hug you, whenever. Even when you screw up. I'll prepare you as best I can for life
Too, I'll allow you to pay the consequences on the screw up. Because that's how I Love You.---Jody-Lynn Reicher
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