Being born during the Cold War, The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War Then 911 occurring, and wars that ensued. The wars countries fought, created, defended, and lived through. I wonder when is it enough?
There are many areas misunderstood about such conflicts, murderous events, and continued tribalistic hatred, and indifference as well as greed that thwarts peace.I do know what anger lies inside each of us. Yet, some more than others. I understand basic anger. And I understand being enraged. The vile rage that only some have. And I understand an insurmountable level of rage few have. That demon rage deep inside the few of us.
But there is a point of logic, where we know not to spread it. It's not always easy to shut it down. Yet, it is mostly the prudent thing to know how to do. To shut it down, perhaps keeping it to ourselves only to the point where it is ordered as absolutely necessary to use it.
Many years ago, my first self-defense and fight coach commented to me after all the men had left his basement gym that day, "What we do here feels right to us. But it's not normal. It's far from it. We are on the edge. And when we step outside, those people won't understand our mentality."
Those words seared like a sword afire through my soul. I felt it when I exited his basement gym that day. Yet, my mind couldn't comprehend how others could not feel the effort to defend oneself. To a degree I still cannot wrap my mind completely around not thinking the way that I do. It's where I come from.
I have thought this way most of my life. It is that I know enough things that could fill a good army with rage. Witnessing what I've witnessed, knowing what I know, most cannot fathom. As well, neither do I want them to. For not all want to be blessed with the discipline I've prayed for, as well worked on throughout my life. That I hold as precious.
And there is enough petty minutae that people mistake as something to become enraged over, which then becomes dangerous. Especially when they don't know the complete truth, the entire story and such.
My husband used to ask me why I barely argued even when I had an opposing view that he knew i felt sttongly about. I just wagged my head and shrugged. He didn't like when I did that. I did that to keep the peace. Peace was my agenda. Even if I were to be angry at someone, I won't waste my energy dealing with them. If I see them I may nod, wave, smile, or completely ignore them. I will not say anything. I refuse to light their furnace with my matches, nor anyone else's who's not been me. I avoid disharmony.
One of my client's gave me a great line a decade or so ago, "You got to live it to know it." I have a broader perspective. I am a Global Thinker. And if you haven't been where I've been, witnessed what I've witnessed, neither been more concerned about the humanity of the world than yourself, you're probably not currently in my wheel-house.----Jody-Lynn Reicher
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